March 1, 2025
WhatsApp Stickers

New WhatsApp Stickers ‘Vaccines for All’ Motivation for users to Get Vaccinated: 2022

New WhatsApp Stickers Pack ‘Vaccines for All’

WhatsApp stickers Pack ‘Vaccines for All’ is the reason to partnering with WHO and through that people will express their experience by sending these new stickers. This new sticker pack is specially developed to encourage people to get Vaccinated. Well, this partnership will result positively and encourage vaccine uptake hoping by Organization.

This was not the first time when WhatsApp partnered with WHO, Yes! If you remember last year in 2020 WhatsApp also launched the new sticker pack “Together at Home” and. The response of users is very good people love to communicate with these new stickers to express their experience while staying at home during the Lockdown period.

This New vaccine Pack helps to express themselves and how people handle this situation as a pandemic than company started working with public health organizations at the beginning of the pandemic and it continues its work by partnering with more than 150 Nationals, States, and governments and not only this is partnered with one of the biggest health organization WHO and UNICEF.

Covid-19 Helpline is currently up and running and by this, over 2 billion users are connected to get accurate information and resources. This global Helpline received over 3 million messages in the last year and the current situation is the disease already started a new phase in many countries. The government also provides accurate information regarding Vaccines, registration through these helplines in countries like India, Indonesia, Argentina.

New WhatsApp Stickers announcement

WhatsApp said the ‘Vaccines for All’ sticker pack aims to increase vaccine uptake in a blog post. As per the news company currently working on the feature to migrate between iOS and Android, it’s a good thing that the company finds time in its busy schedule to create a sticker pack to encourage vaccination.

People suffer a lot during this pandemic but learn many things and now try to adjust themselves to bring their normal world back. Google helps its employees to return to their offices. WhatsApp and some other companies spreading awareness for Vaccination to help people.

Well, now it’s about to see that’s how this small initiative of WhatsApp stickers pack brings awareness for the vaccine. WhatsApp has done good work and it should be paid off.


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